Do Gated Communities Offer More Security?

Publié le par John Cherry

People often have the perception that homes that are located within a gated community are more secure than those that do not have a gate surrounding them. Recently, it has become a status symbol to be able to afford a home in a gated community, probably because people who don’t make a lot of money think they can’t afford to pay for security. While the truth is that there is a home security system for just about any budget, the real question is whether or not a gated community is actually safer.


There are several benefits to living in a gated community, including entry codes, key guards and security guards. But there are some other advantages as well.


• There is the perception that gated communities are secure, safe and private. This helps dissuade would-be burglars from even trying to get into houses behind the gates. Sometimes, all you need is the idea that somewhere is safe to make it safe.

• There is the perception that people who live in gated communities are rich. Even if this isn’t true, many people will look upon you as if it is. Some people like this feeling.

• Homes that are in a gated community have higher property values. This is probably one of the best benefits of owning a house that is located in a gated community. People will simply pay more for a house that is perceived to be more secure.

• Rather than spending a fortune for your own security guard, you can use the one that comes with the gated community at a fraction of the price.

• Crime rates are low because ideally, only people who have authorization will be allowed on the premises. While there are always ways to get into any house, gated community or not, the crime rates are simply not as high because fewer criminals have the opportunity to just walk by a house, see an open door and walk in.

There are certainly many benefits of living in a gated community, but remember, you still should have a home security system installed because even the biggest and strongest gates can’t keep all crime out. In addition to that fact is the notion that gates separate people from other people. Living in a gated community can isolate you from your friends, which is something that doesn’t have to happen just to live in a secure environment. In the end, it boils down to what your preferences are. If you feel safer in a gated community, have the financial means to purchase such a home and will take care to nurture your interactions with other people, living in a gated community can be an excellent choice.

Publié dans home security

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