Making Your Home Safer When Your Neighborhood Isn’t

Publié le par John Cherry

break-in.jpgNo one intentionally moves into a neighborhood that isn’t safe. Sometimes, people have to move to these areas because that’s where they can afford to live. However, sometimes, homeowners who have lived in a neighborhood for a long time discover that their neighborhood has changed over those years, and not for the better.


These homeowners learn that they have to keep up with the times. They either need to move to a new house or they have to take steps to make their current home safe again. Not everyone can afford to move to a new house and not everyone wants to even if they could. If you are living in a house that you want to keep but it’s in a neighborhood that is no longer the safest place in the world, you need to take steps to ensure that you and your family are as safe as you can be when you are at home.


First, install a home security system in your house. This is the single best thing you can do to make you and your family safer. There are many reasons why this is the best course of action, but one of the main ones is because your system will be under the observation of a third party monitoring company. This company will instantly be alerted whenever your home security system indicates there is an intruder or other emergency and will be able to dispatch emergency personnel immediately. The sooner the police can get to your house, the less time you have to spend under duress.


Some of the physical changes you can make to your home to make it safer include installing bars on ground-level windows, installing deadbolt locks on all exterior doors, installing motion-activated lights around your property, and keeping your valuables in a fire-proof safe. None of these changes are very expensive or take a lot of effort, but they are all extremely effective in deterring criminals from breaking into your house.


Finally, you and your neighbors, to a large extent, control what goes on in your community. If you bond together and form a neighborhood watch group, your community will automatically be safer. When everyone is watching out for everyone else, very little can escape scrutiny. Whenever someone sees something out of the ordinary, he or she makes a report and soon there will be a reputation that criminals can’t get away with anything in your neighborhood. You can make it safe again.


About the Author
John is a shrewd consumer who writes about personal finance, home technology and home security topics like: security systems Atlanta, Houston security systems and Chicago home security systems.

Publié dans home security

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