Installing a Home Security System? Don’t Forget Your Windows!

Publié le par John Cherry

Homeowners in the 21st century are extremely concerned about home security and for good reason. Crime is everywhere and no one is immune. Even houses on the safest block in the country still have some security risks. It’s just a fact of life that everyone is potentially a target. However, there are certain actions homeowners can take to make them a less attractive target. One of the best ways to minimize your security risks is to install a home security system in your house. This means that even when you can’t watch over your house, it is still protected. Most security systems include third-party, off-site monitoring which provides an extra layer of safety that most criminals are reluctant to test. They will simply move on to a house that is less secure.

In addition to a home security system, though, there are other physical barriers you can implement that will tell a potential criminal that your house is not one he wants to mess with. One of the most visible barriers is your windows. Many homeowners focus on securing their exterior doors, which is certainly important, but they neglect their windows. Windows are actually one of your house’s most vulnerable points and criminals are aware of this. For this reason, it pays to make your windows as secure as possible through a variety of means.

When people think of security windows, they often picture windows with steel bars. Bars are certainly effective in keeping people out, but they are not very attractive. Still, if you have windows that lead to your basement, it is worth considering the installation of bars on them to keep people from entering your home through them.

For your windows that are on higher levels, you will want to consider security shutters, screens or grills, all of which come in a variety of attractive styles that will not detract from your home’s aesthetics. These mechanisms can usually be operated manually or remotely, which is nice when you want to open them to see outside; however, it can be hard to remember to close them at night or when you leave, which is why bars have an advantage in this area.

No matter what you decide to use to secure your windows, just be sure you can still get outside in case of an emergency. Your goal is to keep people out of your house, not to keep you inside if you need to get out quickly. Shutters, grills, screens and bars are all effective at adding an extra layer of security to your home. Choose the one that works best for you and make your home less of a target for criminals.



About the Author

John is a shrewd consumer who writes about personal finance, home technology and home security topics like: home security Chicago, security system New York City and home alarm system Philadelphia.

Publié dans home security

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