Security for New Homeowners

Publié le par John Cherry

If you are having a house built just for you, there are going to be a ton of options for you to decide upon before you ever move in. You will need to decide what kitchen cabinets you want, what appliances you need, which carpet will look the best and hide the dirt, what color do you want the tile to be and much more. With all of these decisions to be made, you might forget about home security. However, it is critical that you place security at the top of your list when you are considering upgrades for your new house.


To begin with, home security systems are much easier to install when the house is still under construction. This is particularly true if you choose a hardwired security system instead of a wireless one. You won’t have to knock holes in walls to run the wires since they will be installed before the walls are ever put up. Although hardwired systems are less common than wireless systems these days, there are still some benefits to having one, including the increase in value of your home.


In addition, you are likely building a house in a nice neighborhood. Criminals are well aware of where they are going to find the best stuff and they will target the more upscale neighborhoods. You don’t want to give them a chance to break into your brand new home. Installing a security system from the start will ensure that your house is less of a target for crime.


Whenever you move somewhere new, it takes a while for you to get to know your neighbors and for them to get to know you. Just knowing their names is not enough to increase your security. The neighbors are not going to know who your relatives are or who you allow in your home until much later. Criminals know this and often target houses with new owners. If anyone asks them what they are doing, they can come up with a plausible story fairly easily.


It is also possible that your new house is in a developing neighborhood where there aren’t many neighbors yet. These out-of-the-way homes are prime targets for criminals because their odds of getting caught are much lower. A home security system, though, will often be enough to convince a burglar to move on to a less-protected house.


When you have a house built, you have a prime opportunity to get exactly what you want in a home. Along with all the decorations and amenities, put a home security system on your must-have list as well.

About the Author
John is a shrewd consumer who writes about personal finance, home technology and home security topics like: security systems Lakeland, L.A. security systems and Chicago wireless security.

Publié dans home security

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