You’re a Burglary Victim. Now What?

Publié le par John Cherry

Burglaries are on the rise and show no signs of slowing. The poor economy is one reason why people are turning more to crime to get the things they want and need, but there are other reasons too. For instance, some homeowners unknowingly make it too easy for burglars to get inside their houses. They don’t worry about having a home security system installed. They don’t install deadbolts on their doors. They don’t trim their bushes and trees or make sure they have security lighting around their property.

If you haven’t taken these precautions, it is possible that you have already been a burglary victim. Even if you haven’t been hit yet, you need to start taking steps to make your home more secure before you are. Even so, it helps to know what to do in the event that you do become the victim of a burglary ahead of time because you might not be thinking clearly on the day it happens.


First, if you notice signs that your home has been broken into, do not enter your house. The burglar could still be inside and a bad situation could become even worse if you confront him. Instead, go to a neighbor’s house and call the police. It is not recommended that you stand out in front of your house and call from your cell phone. If the perpetrator sees you, he could do something violent in his attempt to get away.


Never touch anything or try to clean up the mess until the police have arrived, collect evidence and release the property back to you. While it can be tempting to clean up broken class so it isn’t a hazard, you really need to leave it where you found it so the police can determine how the burglar got inside.


Go over the last few weeks and write down anything you can remember thinking was suspicious. Did you see anyone new hanging around the neighborhood? Did you see any unknown vehicles in the area? Have there been other break-ins in the area? These details will help the police track down the perpetrator and hopefully get your things back.


As soon as you can after the crime has occurred, get a home security system installed. All too often, burglars return to crime scenes because they know the homeowner will have replaced everything that was taken, often with newer models or more expensive brands. Do not become a repeat victim by making your home more secure.

About the Author –
John is a shrewd consumer who writes about personal finance, home technology and home security topics like: home security system, home security Chicago and Dallas home security systems.

Publié dans home security

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